Handwriting Transcription
Our AI automatically recognizes and analyzes handwritten text, providing detailed feedback on legibility and presentation.
Automatic Feedback Generation
Generate comprehensive feedback on content, structure, and style for handwritten essays and assignments.
Instantaneous Annotations
Upload and store teaching materials in our intelligent system for enhanced context in evaluations and feedback.
School-Specific AI Models
We customise our AI models to align with your school's evaluation systems, ensuring consistent and tailored assessments.
Upload handwritten or typed documents
AI analyses content, structure, and handwriting
Receive detailed annotations and feedback
Review and customise AI-generated insights
Provide personalised feedback to students
Our AI-powered tool saves time, ensures consistency, and provides in-depth analysis for more effective teaching.
Start Free Trial
Time-Saving Automation
Reduce grading time significantly with our AI-powered annotation and feedback generation.
Consistent Evaluation
Ensure fair and consistent grading across all student submissions with customized AI models.
In-Depth Analysis
Gain deeper insights into student performance, including
handwriting analysis and content evaluation.
Personalized Learning
Provide tailored feedback and resources based on individual student needs and performance.