Universal Document Compatibility
From handwritten scans to digital essays, our system adapts to any document type. No need to change your existing workflow or file formats.
Email Notifications
Receive an email confirmation once all your documents have been successfully uploaded and processed.
Easy Assessment Assignment
Quickly and simply assign uploaded work to specific assessments with our intuitive interface.
Multi-Format Batch Processing
Upload a mix of PDFs, Word docs, images, and more in a single batch. Our intelligent system sorts and processes each file type appropriately.
Select multiple files of any type for upload
Our system processes and adapts to each file format
Receive an email notification upon completion
Easily assign work to specific assessments
Start analysing and providing feedback immediately
Our bulk upload feature is designed to save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on what matters most - teaching and providing valuable feedback.
Start Uploading Now
Time-Saving Efficiency
Dramatically reduce the time spent on document management and uploads.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Work with your existing file types and formats without the need for conversion.
Streamlined Organisation
Easily manage and assign large volumes of student work to appropriate assessments.
Reduced Friction
Experience a smoother, more intuitive process for handling student submissions.