Handwritten Work Analysis
Easily annotate and assess handwritten assignments with our advanced AI technology, ensuring no work is left behind.
Streamlined Moderation
Facilitate consistent and efficient moderation processes across your department, ensuring fair and standardised assessments.
Enhanced Feedback Quality
Provide high-quality, consistent feedback on all student work, including multiple drafts and AI-assisted revisions.
Comprehensive Analytics
Access detailed performance analytics for data-driven decision-making and targeted improvements in your teaching strategies.
Workload Reduction
Significantly reduce your marking workload through automated grading assistance and efficient feedback tools for both digital and handwritten work.
Increased Feedback Coverage
Provide meaningful feedback on more student work, including multiple drafts and handwritten assignments, without overwhelming yourself.
Efficiently assess both digital and handwritten work
Ensure consistency in marking and feedback across your department
Manage increased workload from multiple drafts due to AI use
Provide high-quality feedback on a larger volume of student work
Use data-driven insights to improve teaching strategies and student outcomes
Our platform provides the tools you need to lead your department effectively, enhance teaching quality, and improve student outcomes across all forms of written work.
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