Use Your School's Shared Language

Use Your School's Shared Language

Moderate quickly, maintain accuracy, and build your knowledge—Mark My Words aids in correlating evaluations to standards, reducing doubt.

Moderate quickly, maintain accuracy, and build your knowledge—Mark My Words aids in correlating evaluations to standards, reducing doubt.

How It Works

How It Works

How It Works

Every school has its own way of talking about writing. We fit right in.

Every school has its own way of talking about writing. We fit right in.

  1. Choose Your Skills

  1. Choose Your Skills

Your school's writing approach is unique - we adapt to it, not the other way around. This means students get feedback in language they know, while teachers maintain established practices without learning new terminology.

Your school's writing approach is unique - we adapt to it, not the other way around. This means students get feedback in language they know, while teachers maintain established practices without learning new terminology.

Customise assessment criteria

Customise assessment criteria

Define key learning goals

Define key learning goals

  1. Shape Your Feedback

  1. Shape Your Feedback

Mark My Words analyses each piece of writing against your criteria, helping you maintain consistency even when you're exhausted. You're always in control, but now you have reliable backup that knows exactly what matters in your writing program.

Mark My Words analyses each piece of writing against your criteria, helping you maintain consistency even when you're exhausted. You're always in control, but now you have reliable backup that knows exactly what matters in your writing program.

Quick edit options

Quick edit options

Full teacher control

Full teacher control

  1. Identify Gaps in Learning

  1. Identify Gaps in Learning

Notice when students master topic sentences but need help with conclusions, or when they're ready to move from basic connectives to sophisticated transitions. Our insights go beyond surface features to show what's really happening in student writing - all presented in language that makes sense to you, your students, and their families.

Notice when students master topic sentences but need help with conclusions, or when they're ready to move from basic connectives to sophisticated transitions. Our insights go beyond surface features to show what's really happening in student writing - all presented in language that makes sense to you, your students, and their families.

Teacher control

Teacher control

Easy customisation

Easy customisation

  1. Build Student Writing Skills

  1. Build Student Writing Skills

Mark My Words uses the moderation data to created differentiated writing tasks for each student, giving your students the opportunity to put your feedback into practice.

Mark My Words uses the moderation data to created differentiated writing tasks for each student, giving your students the opportunity to put your feedback into practice.

Progress monitoring

Progress monitoring

Growth insights

Growth insights

Backed by Leading Institutions

Backed by Leading Institutions

University of Melbourne

University of Melbourne

Swinburne University

Swinburne University

Generate targeted interventions based on real-time analysis

Generate targeted interventions based on real-time analysis

Generate targeted interventions based on real-time analysis

Our granular skill development technology allows you to understand and nurture each student's unique learning journey with unprecedented precision.

Our granular skill development technology allows you to understand and nurture each student's unique learning journey with unprecedented precision.

Events tracked in 2023.

Events tracked in 2023.

Active partners in 2023.

Active partners in 2023.

Empower Precise Learning

Empower Precise Learning

Our granular skill development technology allows you to understand and nurture each student's unique learning journey with unprecedented precision.

AI-powered skill decomposition and analysis

Dynamic skill relationship mapping

Personalised learning pathways based on skill interconnections

Real-time skill gap identification and targeted interventions

Trusted by Leading Schools Across Victoria

Trusted by Leading Schools Across Victoria

Trusted by Leading Schools Across Victoria

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Join the growing community of Victorian educators revolutionizing their approach to writing instruction.

Join the growing community of Victorian educators revolutionizing their approach to writing instruction.

Precision Teaching

Precision Teaching

Target specific skills with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring each student receives the exact support they need.

Target specific skills with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring each student receives the exact support they need.

Holistic Skill Development

Holistic Skill Development

Understand how different skills interconnect, fostering a more comprehensive approach to learning.

Understand how different skills interconnect, fostering a more comprehensive approach to learning.

Data-Driven Curriculum Design

Data-Driven Curriculum Design

Use granular skill data to inform and refine your curriculum, ensuring it addresses the most critical needs.

Use granular skill data to inform and refine your curriculum, ensuring it addresses the most critical needs.

Personalised Learning Journeys

Personalised Learning Journeys

Create tailored learning paths for each student based on their unique skill profile and development needs.

Create tailored learning paths for each student based on their unique skill profile and development needs.

Ready to Transform Your School's Writing Assessment?

Ready to Transform Your School's Writing Assessment?

Ready to Transform Your School's Writing Assessment?

Join the growing community of Victorian schools revolutionizing their approach to writing instruction.

Share with a Colleague

Share with a Colleague

Share with a Colleague

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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