Process Multiple Assignments at Once

Process Multiple Assignments at Once

Transform stacks of assignments into actionable feedback instantly. Our AI processes entire class sets simultaneously - whether handwritten or digital.

Transform stacks of assignments into actionable feedback instantly. Our AI processes entire class sets simultaneously - whether handwritten or digital.

How It Works

How It Works

How It Works

Our smart batch processing turns stacks of assignments into organised feedback in minutes.

Our smart batch processing turns stacks of assignments into organised feedback in minutes.

  1. Upload Multiple Files

  1. Upload Multiple Files

Drop in any combination of student work - from handwritten papers to digital documents. Works with worksheets, essays, and even photos of work.

Drop in any combination of student work - from handwritten papers to digital documents. Works with worksheets, essays, and even photos of work.

Accepts all file types

Accepts all file types

No pre-sorting needed

No pre-sorting needed

  1. Smart Batch Processing

  1. Smart Batch Processing

Our AI assesses all assignments simultaneously while maintaining consistent standards across the entire class.

Our AI assesses all assignments simultaneously while maintaining consistent standards across the entire class.

Parallel processing

Parallel processing

Consistent grading standards

Consistent grading standards

  1. Review Class-Wide Results

  1. Review Class-Wide Results

Get organised feedback reports for your entire class, with individual insights and growth opportunities for each student.

Get organised feedback reports for your entire class, with individual insights and growth opportunities for each student.

Comprehensive class overview

Comprehensive class overview

Ready-to-share feedback

Ready-to-share feedback

  1. Generate Insights

  1. Generate Insights

Identify common class trends and get targeted teaching interventions to boost each student's achievement.

Identify common class trends and get targeted teaching interventions to boost each student's achievement.

Class-wide progress tracking

Class-wide progress tracking

Common challenge identification

Common challenge identification

Backed by Leading Institutions

Backed by Leading Institutions

University of Melbourne

University of Melbourne

Swinburne University

Swinburne University

Generate targeted interventions based on real-time analysis

Generate targeted interventions based on real-time analysis

Generate targeted interventions based on real-time analysis

Our granular skill development technology allows you to understand and nurture each student's unique learning journey with unprecedented precision.

Our granular skill development technology allows you to understand and nurture each student's unique learning journey with unprecedented precision.

Empower Precise Learning

Empower Precise Learning

Our granular skill development technology allows you to understand and nurture each student's unique learning journey with unprecedented precision.

AI-powered skill decomposition and analysis

Dynamic skill relationship mapping

Personalised learning pathways based on skill interconnections

Real-time skill gap identification and targeted interventions

Trusted by Leading Schools Across Australia

Trusted by Leading Schools Across Australia

Trusted by Leading Schools Across Australia

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Join the growing community of Victorian educators revolutionizing their approach to writing instruction.

Join the growing community of Victorian educators revolutionizing their approach to writing instruction.

Precision Teaching

Precision Teaching

Target specific skills with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring each student receives the exact support they need.

Target specific skills with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring each student receives the exact support they need.

Holistic Skill Development

Holistic Skill Development

Understand how different skills interconnect, fostering a more comprehensive approach to learning.

Understand how different skills interconnect, fostering a more comprehensive approach to learning.

Data-Driven Curriculum Design

Data-Driven Curriculum Design

Use granular skill data to inform and refine your curriculum, ensuring it addresses the most critical needs.

Use granular skill data to inform and refine your curriculum, ensuring it addresses the most critical needs.

Personalised Learning Journeys

Personalised Learning Journeys

Create tailored learning paths for each student based on their unique skill profile and development needs.

Create tailored learning paths for each student based on their unique skill profile and development needs.

Ready to Transform Your School's Writing Assessment?

Ready to Transform Your School's Writing Assessment?

Ready to Transform Your School's Writing Assessment?

Join the growing community of Victorian schools revolutionizing their approach to writing instruction.

Share with a Colleague

Share with a Colleague

Share with a Colleague

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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Phone: (+61) 403 651 221

Address: 700 Connect, University of Melbourne, Victoria

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